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Bijeenkomst: Frack verjaardagsfeest 2014
Datum 1 november 2014 om 13:00
Contactpersoon Will-Do
Locatie Frack, Blokhuisplein 40, Leeuwarden
Onderwerp Onderwerp::Frack!
ActiviteitenoverzichtActiviteit toevoegen

Feestje van Frack


The awesome birthdayparty of Frack, 2014 edition! Plus, the goodbye party of our current location, because of the upcomming move. At this wikipage, an overview of the program, the workshops, the talks and the other fun stuff. In the evening we can have dinner together. Unfortunately there's no possibility to BBQ, but we can order pizza/chinese/etc or we can use the gas stove and pan Frack owns.

Goodies exchange

As Frack, we've received a large amount of different LED's, transistors and other electronic goodies, lots of them double (or even triple) and in amounts of over9000!! Because sharing is caring, we'll prepare a goodybag with these shinies for every hackerspace/-group attending.

If you think you/your hackerspace owns some stuff which Frack might still miss, we'd love to have something in return, but as we already have lots of stuff, you'll get the goodies regardless of exchange goods


Halloween! Dressing up is not required, but is encouraged. We'll try to do the same. We'll also provide decoration and creepy snacks (tracking cookies).


Versiering? Baksels? Wie maakt/doet wat?




  • tijd - Wat


1 november 2014, vanaf 13:00 uur 's middags tot ergens 's avonds


In Frack: Zuiderplein 33, 8911BS, Leeuwarden

Parkeren / OV

De trein stopt op het station Leeuwarden wat zo'n 5 minuten lopen van de space is. Voor bezoekers met de auto is er achter de space een parkeergarage en een eigen parkeerterrein voor ~40 plekjes